
More than 26,000 American Airlines flight attendants set to strike

American Airlines flight attendants are set to strike if the airline does not improve its contractual offer
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American Airlines flight attendants, represented by the Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA) union, announced its intentions to strike due to failing negotiations over a new labor deal.

APFA announced that 99.47% of participating union members voted to authorize the strike, with more than 93% of eligible American Airlines cabin crew members participating in the vote.

According to the announcement, which was made by APFA on August 30, 2023, the strike will go through if 鈥渃ontract talks do not yield significant improvements鈥.

鈥淭oday, we sent a clear message to American Airlines management: We are fired up and ready for a contract. They ignore this strike vote at their peril,鈥 said Julie Hendrick, National President at APFA, adding that the union精东影业 contributions to the airline精东影业 success 鈥渕ust be recognized and respected鈥.

The union is still ineligible to strike until it is released by the National Mediation Board and following a 30-day cooling-off period. However, APFA warned that without any meaningful improvements to the flight attendant精东影业 labor contract, 鈥渨e will not hesitate to request a release to strike if necessary鈥.

鈥淵our negotiations team will return to the bargaining table with a clear message to management that American Airlines Flight Attendants are fired up and ready for our contract,鈥 APFA added.

Several flight attendant unions from other airlines, including JetBlue精东影业 Transport Workers Union (TWU) Local 579 and Alaska Airlines鈥 Association of Flight Attendants-CWA (AFA-CWA) expressed their support for APFA on X (formerly Twitter).

This is the second potential strike faced by American Airlines management in the past few months. When negotiations with the airline精东影业 pilots, represented by the Allied Pilots Association (APA), stalled, the union authorized to strike on May 1, 2023.

While the strike was averted with an agreement in principle between the two sides on May 19, 2023, a new deal between United Airlines and its pilots agreed in July 2023 threw a spanner in the works.

At the time, APA精东影业 president Ed Sicher said that the Tentative Agreement (TA) between APA and American Airlines was now 鈥渨oefully deficient by comparison and in need of significant improvements鈥 when compared to that of United Airlines鈥 TA.

APA eventually approved a new and improved contract on August 21, 2023.

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